30 MIles On Rollers Is The Norm Per Trainer Night At The Shop

Hello there people, this will be just a brief update, not too interesting.

Rockin' Trainer Night at Cycle To Fitness

74 out of the 200 miles already completed! whoo hooo! <--A personal monthly quota of 200 miles must be met, remember folks, I am going to be GREAT this season and train very hard to attain this goal, heavy 18 lb bike or not.

30 miles Trainer Night # 4 20110105
30 miles Trainer Night # 3 20101222
30 miles Trainer Night # 2 20101215
Trainer Night # 1 no data - not informed yet.

Those three "Trainer Nights" seem to have an odd pattern, this is the thirty mile mark. What is VERY odd is that none of this is timed, but rather random, and the last mile is ALWAYS me riding for an additional three minutes or so just to fill the thirty mile mark. Have I become obsessed with this number or is it just chance that of the last three roller nights the end result is always the same? Very weird indeed. Now it becomes interesting so let's have a go at the numbers.

First night data:

Gunnar Fastlane with a 50/18 Gear ratio and 700x20c Conti gp4000's
Time: 01:42:10
Distance: 30.00 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Calories: 1,118 C
Avg Temperature: 78.0 °F
Time: 02:16:01
Moving Time: 00:00:00
Elapsed Time: 01:42:10
Avg Speed: 17.8 mph
Max Speed: 33.4 mph
Avg Pace: 03:22 min/mi
Best Pace: 01:47 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 138 bpm
Max HR: 175 bpm

Second night data:

Schwinn Traveler with a 52x16 gear ratio and 700x20c Conti gp4000's
Time: 01:25:10
Distance: 30.00 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Calories: 1,240 C
Avg Temperature: 68.0 °F
Time: 01:25:10
Moving Time: 00:00:00
Elapsed Time: 01:47:01
Avg Speed: 21.1 mph
Max Speed: 43.3 mph
Avg Pace: 02:50 min/mi
Best Pace: 01:23 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 153 bpm
Max HR: 180 bpm

Third night data:

Schwinn Traveler with a 52x16 gear ratio and 700x20c Conti gp4000's
Time: 01:42:52
Distance: 30.00 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Calories: 1,035 C
Time: 01:42:52
Moving Time: 00:00:00
Elapsed Time: 01:53:39
Avg Speed: 17.5 mph
Max Speed: 33.5 mph
Avg Pace: 03:25 min/mi
Best Pace: 01:47 min/mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Heart Rate
Avg HR: 137 bpm
Max HR: 167 bpm



My normal riding output is about 17.5 MPH. Whether it be on rollers or the road, the output is nearly identical which means a lighter bicycle with less friction could make a 2-3 mph difference as well as aero. In reality, I still suck and need to improve my physical condition first then worry about fancy bicycles that cost more than my trailer home.



  1. You know, if I were in your position, that is really trying to make some serious progress, I think I would ignore the numbers. In fact, I wouldn't even collect them every ride. I think it's possible to get distracted watching the numbers and not develop a "feel" for performance. Also, DO NOT become overly obsessed with weight. It would be damn difficult, not to mention expensive to get sub 18 lbs. and you would need to drop lbs (as opposed to grams) to gain any significant speed. Just my humble opinion and some food for thought.

  2. Nice points about the numbers and weights, I can see how easily I have become distracted with these factors where they really are not an important factor, at this point anyway. I appreciate your input greatly Dee.

  3. I give you all the credit in the world and I'm not a roller guy but rather a magnetic bike trainer rider. I don't agree with the above comment regarding the numbers. Keep track of them and you not only know where you've been but you can also guage exactly where you are going or if you need to tweak your workouts.
