A Brief Personal Cycling Timeline

For a comparative study you can do at home, I will publish my personal start and result in simple timeline form here so you can get an idea of what to expect if you utilise the same type of regime.
It should be noted that you MUST see a doctor before you begin any fitness activity, only they can give you the go or no-go that the Internet could possibly give you with any degree of certainty.

20100201- Awoke from terrible hangover feeling like death, right then I had decided to change my life. That night I purchased a stepper and gym shoes. It should be doubly noted that these videos were created with the soul purpose of not having viewers, they are just a video time-stamp of my life in 2010.

20100204- A Health Update Vlog

20100206- A Health Update Vlog

20100212- A Health Update Vlog

20100303- The Home Gym on a Budget

20100322- A Health Update Vlog

20100328- My 42LB Bike / Rode 20 miles today Health Update Vlog

20100410- Riding Bicycle Health Update

20100418- No Alcohol and Bicycle Fitness Vlog

20100524- Lost 30 Lbs and feeling great!

20100531- Memorial Weekend Cycling 100 mile tour

20100624- Six Months and Lost 35 Lbs Health Update Vlog!

There is a brief video diary of my life and changes captured in real time. If you were so inclined to watch the entire play list, I guess it should be created and embedded here.


NOTE: From here on out I will be referred as "WCFTW" "Wannabe Cyclist Forever Two Wheels" in these blogs. The moniker "0cral" or "Wannabe" are once in a while aliases, pay no attention to them.