It Has Been a While

Since a real post here in this blog, or any of my many Internet persona's for that matter, suffice it to say, I have been busy. Or lazy, depending on how you want to look at things for there is really no excuse to not vlog or blog proper, considering all the interesting and amasing events that have come to fruition in my life both on and off the bike. Since this is a bicycle site we shall keep it that way, however a few bits of personal shall arise and help your understanding of the Wannabecyclist tends to be a tad bit... shall we say "odd"?

Hi Maikeru,
You have deactivated your Facebook account. You can reactivate your account at any time by logging into Facebook using your old login email and password. You will be able to use the site like you used to.
The Facebook Team


Did I just do that? What did he do?, you might ask.

What I did was this:

I began to take my life back, one small portion at a time. What this entails is quite simple yet so very difficult as the flesh wants to hold on to it, to keep it, to nourish it, to slowly become addicted to it. What "it" is could mean many things for a vast slew of people, for me it was (amongst many things) the instant gratification of show and freakin' tell. "Look what I made!" Awwe Mai, it looks great!" so on and so forth, the self serving self gratifying, self important self needs to be quashed and extinguished in order to grow, at least in my minds eye at this point in time.

So why delete everything?
Are you not being more self sorting and greedy by keeping your "art" to yourself? Yes, to some extent I am, and believe you me, it is difficult, hence the immediate blog post herein, but far from the point. I am an overachiever in many... err.. An "over-sharer" in many hobbies, this leads to illusions of grandeur and self-importance, which is impolite and quite vain to boot. The illusion is fine if helping others, but who am I really helping?" not even me, in fact, quite diametrically, I am destroying myself, slowly but surely, I am becoming a attention starved human who diverts constructive energy into "social-media" thus de-valuing and dithering the content, although masked as "sharing" what is really happing is I am throwing up all over the Internet with incessant media-vomit that, quite frankly, nobody really needs to see, hear, or experience, rather, they , if were so interested, could search out for my "works" and view as they desire, rather to be force fed on a daily basis. This can be objectionable as the counter argument could be something to the tune of: "Well, if I don't want to read it, I won't.", or "I like to read your news feed." and again, I am in the wrong for keeping it all in, which is what I am getting at in this post anyway, discussion soon to follow.

I am rambling in a wordy sense, partially because I want to "show" you how educated I am, or my grammatical prowess with the English vernacular proper, but in all actuality I am writing this way because it is the circular, roundabout way of my pen, it is in fact my style. Also, this is due to my not writing anything in well over a few months time, and boy do I have so much to write. I really would like to write all the missing bits that were supposed to be in this blog, all my cycling exploits up until I got hit by a car a month ago to the date. So this is really a preface, an introduction to all the crafty stuff I may or may not write in this blog, after all, am I still over sharing? Am I having fun doing this? Both answers are a definite "Yes" which is cool, to some extent, after all I am an artist type who likes to make stuff and share it, or, photograph stuff and share it, like all the wonderful sunsets we have had in the past noticeable years, but that is a rather infinite focal point.

In limbo yet again, to shut it all down, even to go as far as privatising all my video content on all my you-tube channels. All for what? Is it so I can really have my simple life back, where I didn't need all this extra stuff, like this blog here. I am aimlessly clicking away at this blog post hoping for clarity and resolve, from within it is, and it is happening rather quickly, or the realisation that is. I am realising that I will be a human being forever stuck in a social media apparatus and the big debate is this: Should I remove myself from this world of Internet to help value my creations to make them so few and far between, a sought after gem if you will? Should I just keep yammering away and posting my every move for you to see, like my perfectly double tapered deuce I had the other day? I mean come on now.

I am not in anyway trolling for permission or support in these rather moot questions of insignificance, but rather, I am just rambling about nothing relating to bicycles at all, in fact, this blog post really shouldn't be here anyway, but really, who really reads these or actually gives two pence. Maybe in my death, these posts may someday be interesting to some people out there with similar woes in life, and maybe I could help enlighten just one soul, one soul who may have been like me, and after reading this they will say: "Boy, I sure don't want to end up like that guy." and my mission is complete, for that one soul may have the understanding that I was helplessly trying to convey in less than 12000 words, but couldn't because there was jst so much in there.

I may write again people, or I may not, I may never write again in this blog or the Internet, and just fade away until all my domains expire, my body decays, my memories dissolve, and my lasting mark on mankind as just am average Joe artist type who shared too much on social media sites, had am epiphany, shut it all down and did nothing of importance.

It has been fun people, remember to ride your bike every day or you will get depressed and only suggest to others of what to do rather than actually doing it for your selves.




  1. It depresses me a bit to see this as I feel in a way I'm going to lose connection with one I consider to be a great friend regardless of distance. In a world where people can connect and communicate over such great distances that feeling of no control over wheather the connection with continue sucks. At the sametime I want to say I support any and all choices you make as you're a wise man and know what's best for you, a detox is always good for you and the internet is just that.. a toxin... a drug... an addiction. Ill follow you here and look forwards to any updates however far and between they may be, not in hopes for being forcefed your every move. But for the hopes that all is well in your travels and level.

  2. I hope I'm not off base here but..
    Stop TRYING to "be yourself". Just be yourself. You don't need to be Larc0 or the WannabeWhatEver. You don't need a new persona every time you get into something new. Just be Mike and do what Mike does. Share it if you like. I know more than a few people that would be happy if you did.

