U.S.A. Cycling Bicycle Racing License - And Century Touring

Here I sit, patiently waiting for the INTERNET connections both on my fancy schmancy iPhone and the coffee house to actually do their job and work. Obviously they eventually did as this is written. I must note: This was the most irritating time writing a blog post in ages. First off; if you let you child run around the coffee shop making irritating noises thus distracting me from my work, YOU Sir, Ma'am are a douche. Second; if you like to congregate as a cluster right near me while incessantly yapping about frivolous things like lame indy music or texting, you too, are a bunch of douche bags, go sit down and carry on in the corner. I come here to write, read, and drink coffee, as do 80% of the clientèle here so take notice. When one of us politely asks you to sit the eff down and shut the eff up, you now know, and knowing is half the battle, douche-bags. I listen to this to help help it somewhat sane here.

Anyway, the sun is shining and it is 30 degrees out right now, time to suit up and go for a ride!

It is official folks I am a licensed Bicycle jockey, also known as a CAT 5 Racer, also known as: *"The blender of death" Racer. Joy
This ticket came in the mail about a month later, I had sent out for it the Thursday before my TLT, I remember this because I was so excited to tell fellow teammates at the shop that night, they were pleased. The mere act of applying for such license means much more than "looking good" on your brand new Scott CR1 at a TT wearing 400 dollars worth of lycra and aero gear, it means you are ready to start pulling your own weight for the team, as to gain points that is. The initiative to join a great cycling team such as the RACING GREYHOUNDS is one thing, but to try to improve and bring something to the table, well, this speaks volumes as far as I am concerned regardless the place in a race, whether it be DFL anyway. What is important is my personal drive to become better, faster, and fitter throughout the coming race season, getting first is not my concern as it is impossible with my current setup as it stands coupled with my limited skill-set as well.

I know I am better than I was a year ago, I totally know this, for example:

Pretty pathetic Wannabe Fred there eh! 9.442 miles in 50:26 at 11.3 mph average. A crawling pace my my current standards, even on a heavy MTB!!

Moving onward, how about a 113 mile ride:

This was spread out between three days, the actual video footage is here in one 18 minute long video:

And that is only June 1st of last year, after 2 months of riding, 600 miles deep and loving it.

So all in all, within one year I went from total Fred to Wannabecyclist and feel absolutely great about cycling, just getting out there and riding just totally rocks, I am so stoked for spring!!!!

Thanks for watching, and I sincerely hope to inspire more of you to fix up your old bicycles and go for a ride this season! It has totally changed my life, and it will totally change yours as well, just give it a go!!

Oh yeah... The cycling license and the century tour videos probably don't relate to one another so much, but since I am getting the spring fever easily, I thought I would share them in this post.


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